Friday, June 26, 2009

FY09 End-of-Year Bar-B-Que

Another successful year down, SWE Greatland held their annual end-of-year bar-b-que on June 25th to celebrate all their hard work! Laura Strand was generous enough to host the event at her house and surprised us all with a wonderful spread of seasoned steak and chicken. We welcomed new faces and had about a dozen attendees. The weather held out for us and we enjoyed the sunshine with good company. We look forward to our summer break to gear up for new activities for FY10! Congratulations to our new FY10 SWE Greatland Board:

President - Melissa Mormilo
Vice President - Susie Gaulke
Secretary - Stephanie Mormilo
Treasurer - Maria Kampsen
Section Rep - LaQuita Chmielowski

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Melissa Mormilo said...
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